Lil' D's Birth Announcement

If you can remember in my previous post here I was thinking of various designs for Lil' D's birth announcement. I decided to mimic my sister's save the date (Click here to see the design) and called on the most creative graphic designer I know, Jill Amis of 311 Graphics. I explained to her I wanted to use one of her previous designs as the basis for the announcement. After showing her the picture of my inspiration and giving her the veribage she went from there to create a gorgeous announcement. It had my father swooning it's so nice.


Thanks again Jill for creating such a one of a kind, frame worthy design.



Inspiration for the announcement came from a picture I swiped off the web of a bedroom.

I was entralled with the lilac and tangerine (reminds me of my favorite summer time treat- Creamsicle) colorsape. These are my new favorite colors.


Graphic Designer Information:

Jill McAmis