Father's Day Salute

27 months ago my husband became a father. In this short amount of time I have watched him accomplish and master a goal many with his background walk away from. Not having an example of what a good father and husband are didn't deter him. I often sit in amazement at how he loves our children so strongly and without reservations. How can he do this without any lasting memories of a man loving his offspring as a child? It's intrinsic! I always wondered how a man that endures your labor and delivery with you could ever abandon his child? I mean after seeing his woman's body expand and expel such a miracle, a miracle he helped to fertilize, how could you not put in the work to ensure the seed of his loins has the very best of everything? I love how D is resolute in his conviction to be the polar opposite of his father? This conscious decision has confirmed that his family name will thrive and continue in a wholesome, health way.

In the words of the tattoo on my back, "love never loses its way home". He and I worked overtime in the begining of our relationship to build an impenetrable foundation based on TRUE LOVE. A foundation that allows us to cuss, fuss, and argue but love just as hard and passionately. We had eleven years worth of mistakes and revisions before we were blessed with our eldest daughter. I offer these words of wisdom to all young women out there looking for their life partners:
  • Indeed love should not hurt, but being in a loving relationship will be hard and full of challenges. As long as you have reciprocity and respect you will be able to work through anything.
  • Let your man know you appreciate him with your words and actions.
  • Choose a man who you would want your son to emulate.
The "I haven't gotten any sleep in four days".
Two Year Old Drama