Maternity Pics

Two years ago at my 38 week "routine" doctor's visit I was pressured into beginning the process of inducing my labor. Oh what two years, a vast increase in knowledge, and a new practitioner makes.


Let me recap. When I was pregnant with Lil D, at 38 weeks I was given an unnecessary ultrasound and told my baby's head was measuring small and my amniotic fluid was low. {S/N: Lil D was not in distress and up until that point I was having a "normal" pregnancy}. So I went from normal to high risk in an instant. I was experiencing the full blown techno-cratic birth model most OBs follow. Yesterday I went had my 38 week appointment for BC2. Let's just say it was totally different - no stripping membranes, no indepth ultrasound, no half-truths, and coercion. My midwife asked me if I was experiencing anything out of the ordinary, she measured my fundal height, felt to see if baby was in correct position, and ask me the most vital question of them all, "Are you ready to have an amazing labor?" 


If you are in Northern New Jersey and need a makeup artist please check out Vanessa of Makeup by Nessa. She was on hand to do my makeup for the baby shower and my maternity shoot.

I'm calling this my bootleg maternity shoot, because of the drama leading up to the actual taking of pictures. First the photog I hired to take pictures in my home cancelled 30 minutes before our appointment, with a bullshit excuse. Second, Lil D refused to be cooperative and take pictures like a nice little girl. Third, I hate portrait studio pictures taken by people who are not truly photographers. Oh well, it is what it is. Once my blood pressure elevated, I did a couple "woo sahs", and accepted that BC2's maternity shoot would not be as nice as Lil D's I was about to get over the disappointment (a little bit).

I'm looking at these pictures thinking how ridiculous I look with the tulle wrapped around my waist. :-\

Maternity Pin Up Boudoir with Glamour Bitch Photography

Yesterday my little sister and I ventured to parts unknown in southern New Jersey to have Dawn Doughtery of Glamour Bitch Photography take maternity pictures of me. Yesterday I was 35 weeks and 5 days preggo and besides having "cankles" I feel like my pictures looked amazing!! Thank you Dawn and Shannon (Super amazing makeup + hair artist) for making me feel beautiful, comfortable, and sexy so far along in my pregnancy. You ROCK!

My family and hubbie are going to be mad and call me an exhibitionist for posting this but hey I love my pictures they are sooo good I had to share. I'll deal with the repercussions later. Here is one of my shots.