The Cost of Birth

Yesterday I received the Explanation of Benefits from my insurance company. Yeah I know such exciting news. Well it was for me because I lwanted to know the cost of labor. A whopping $21k was the final bill!! I wonder how much a home birth would be? This is the option I am exploring for baby number two. 

Mommy and Lil' D Updates

Today Lil' D had her one month doctor's visit. The doctor said she was progressing well and breast milk is doing her good {She previously told me if she didn't see a weight gain she would recommend supplementing my milk with formula}. At birth Lil' D was 6 pounds, 2 ounces. At two weeks she was 7 pounds, and at 4 weeks she is 8 pounds 4 ounces. She is growing nice and round  . . . my Lil' Munch Munch.

The doctor and I discussed her immunization schedule for the next six months. I asked her to add an additional MMR vaccine in the schedule because of our travel to the Caribbean this November. Typically this vaccine is done after one year of age, so I had to request an additional one. My mother emailed me an article about traveling overseas with infants and the need for the supplemental shot {check it herehere, and here}.

Pretty good. I was on a high for about ten minutes then I got some unpleasant news. Well it was not really a surprise because I mentioned to D this weekend that I believe our baby had this "illness". Using the word "illness" is too harsh, so let's say "situation". From some where, possibly my orangutan tits, Lil' D developed thrush in her mouth. It's not a nasty looking case like I viewed on the internet. It's basically a white coating on her tongue. Each day for the past week when I wiped her gums and her tongue I noticed the white stuff on her tongue. I thought it was milk residue, but it would not disappear. I began to notice this last week, it didn't cause me too much stress because I knew we would be going to the doctor today and she was nursing without complications. The doctor prescribed Nystatin to be taken orally four times a day. So far Lil D has had two doses and already she has experienced stomach irritation... my poor Munch Munch. I googled thrush and found an excellent resource from Dr. Sears here.


All is well that ends well. My Munch is out of size "N" diapers and on to size "1". Yeah!