Is It Really Shaken Baby Syndrome?

On my quest to learn all I can about vaccinations and immunizations I arrived upon an article that links the diagnosis of Shaken Baby Syndrome and the DTaP vaccine. Check it out.

The connection between vaccines and Shaken Baby Syndrome from Health Wyze:

Shaken baby syndrome usually occurs when an infant has had lots of help from the medical establishment and he remains too weak to survive the toxic onslaught from vaccines.

Despite its known risks, the DTP vaccine was sold for use on infants and children for 48 years before the "safer" DTaP formulation was marketed. Wyeth (now Pfizer) blamed the F.D.A. for having an approval process that is too slow, but it was more likely due to the fact that they stalled the process themselves, because DTP is more profitable than DTaP. The newer DTaP vaccine still causes the same brain swelling reaction (encephalitis) that is blamed upon shaken baby syndrome. The biggest change is that it has become illegal to sue vaccine manufacturers, which is an unconstitutional privilege that is shared with no other industry.

"Human shaking may cause lethal brain stem and cervical spine injuries in a 0-to 2-year-old child, as the forces necessary for these injuries are well below the level needed for fatal brain injuries and are consistent with the forces that can be produced in shaking."

-- Chris Van Ee, Ph.D., Injury Biomechanics Researcher

There is strong evidence that it is impossible to induce the type of brain injury that is found in cases of shaken baby syndrome without first causing extreme neck and spinal injuries. However, spinal injuries are virtually never seen in these cases of alleged abuse.

An analysis of available shaken baby syndrome cases reveals two distinct patterns: 

      • The infant was usually delivered prematurely, or there were other complications during pregnancy, and the delivery supposedly required medical "help".
      • The symptoms almost always appear within 15 days of vaccinations, and the overwhelming majority of cases happened within 10 days of vaccinations. A surprisingly high percentage of shaken baby cases were within 2 days of vaccinations.

Real research into the causes of shaken baby syndrome is lacking, because there can be no controlled studies. Such studies would involve killing infants, or at least exposing them to a very high risk of harm. Nevertheless, lives and families are being destroyed on the basis of fraudulent scientific evidence. The parents of vaccinated children who suffer with encephalitis must be tried for murder; lest the doctors and hospitals be held accountable. The manufacturers have already been legally immune since 1986.


Source: Health Wyze.Org


Childhood Vaccines: An Informed Decision

Its been a while since I've blogged, once again life has taken over and I've had very little "me" time. A major development in my quest for better health has been our decision (read: my decision) to not immunize our children. Sure Lil D has had all her vaccines up to 18 months, but that will be all for her. I've got 3 years to figure out how to get her registered into a public school without having the "recommended" vaccines, I'm sure it will be an interesting journey.

We hope that you consider this list, and the side effects of vaccines before giving your child vaccinations. We have strong reasons to believe that overall, and in general, that the risks of horrible and long-term side effects far outweighs the risks of the diseases which vaccines are supposed to prevent.  Human blood is supposed to be, and traditionally was, remarkably sterile. There were virtually no bacteria or organisms present in the bloodstream. With vaccines now being so prevalent, this is no longer the case. SOURCE


Recommended Immunizations for Babies



Two Months


1-2 mos











Four Months










Six Months


6-18 mos*









6-18 mos*




6 mos through 18 years**

Twelve Months


12-15 mos*



12-15 mos*



12-15 mos*



12-15 mos*



12-23 mos*


6 mos through 18 years**

Fifteen Months


15-18 mos*


6 mos through 18 years**

Vaccine Ingredients

  1. Aborted human fetus tissue and human albumin
  2. Vaccine Ingredient: Formaldehyde
  3. Vaccine Ingredient: Mercury
  4. Vaccine Ingredient: Antifreeze
  5. Vaccine Ingredient: Aluminum
  6. Vaccine Ingredient: 2-Phenoxyethanol
  7. Vaccine Ingredient: Phenol
  8. Vaccine Ingredient: Methanol
  9. Vaccine Ingredient: Borax(sodium tetraborate decahydrate)
  10. Vaccine Ingredient: Glutaraldehyde
  11. Vaccine Ingredient: Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  12. Vaccine Ingredients: Sulfate and phosphate compounds
  13. Vaccine Ingredient: Ammonium Sulfate
  14. Vaccine Ingredient: Gentamicin Sulfate
  15. Vaccine Ingredient: Neomycin Sulfate
  16. Vaccine Ingredient: Tri(n)butylphosphate
  17. Vaccine Ingredient: Polymyxin B
  18. Vaccine Ingredient: Polysorbate 20 / 80
  19. Vaccine Ingredient: Sorbitol
  20. Vaccine Ingredient: Polyribosylribitol
  21. Vaccine Ingredient: Beta-Propiolactone
  22. Vaccine Ingredient: Amphotericin B
  23. Vaccine Ingredients: Animal Organ Tissue and Animal Blood
  24. Vaccine Ingredient: Large Foreign Proteins
  25. Vaccine Ingredient: Latex
  26. Vaccine Ingredient: Animal Viruses
  27. Vaccine Ingredient: Human Viruses
  28. Vaccine Ingredient: Mycoplasma
  29. Vaccine Ingredient: Genetically Modified Yeast
  30. Vaccine Ingredient: Foreign DNA

For a comprehensive explanation of each of these ingredients here.

More Resources:

(1) We’ve been told that vaccines stimulate the immune system with a “rehearsal” of what will happen when an actual disease comes down the pipeline. When the disease does show up, the immune system will be locked and loaded, ready to destroy the attacking germ. Source

(2) A high immunity to disease doesn’t come from a needle, pill or supplement. It doesn’t come from antibacterial soaps and a germ free environment. Actually, considering the poor state of health most people are in these days, it can’t even come from healthy food and medicinal herbs alone any more. The epidemic of allergies, asthma, obesity, gastrointestinal infestations, infections, malabsorption and so much more are all directly related to poor immunity. It all comes down to the body’s own defense systems and how well or poor these function.

Isn’t it ironic that the time when we have no actual control of our health – our early childhood, it’s the very time when life long immunity is built or affected? The first seven years of our lives are crucial. And it actually doesn’t stop there. {Source}

(3) The Entire Vaccine Industry Is Being Exposed For Unproven Assumptions And Misrepresentations of Data

(4) The Most Damning vaccination Study Not Publically Disclosed to Date

(5) 30 years of secret, official transcripts prove vaccine schedules in US and UK are based on government lies

(6) More vaccination information from Share Banoosh here.


Breastfeeding----------------------------------------------------Commercial Baby Formula

Raw Organic Milk ------------------------------------------------The Gut Connection Betw Baby + Mother

Dirt, Farms, + Animals ------------------------------------------Vaccines

Healthy Food + Lifestyle----------------------------------------Sterile Environments

{Source Here} ---------------------------------------------------Drugs


on 2012-12-09 16:07 by O. Cruz

Interesting article:

Court Requires 8-Year-Old to be Vaccinated Against Mother’s Wishes